MOA Natural Farming, inspired by Fukuoka's principles.

Shokichi Okada established the "Greater Japan Health Association" in 1936, advocating for natural farming without pesticides or chemical fertilizers. MOA, founded in 1980, continues Okada's mission by promoting human happiness through purification therapy, natural farming, and cultural activities.

臺灣農人這麼做 ✕ MOA自然生態基金會
Taiwanese farmers ✕ MOA International

Dedicated to researching natural farming for human well-being, ecological protection, and global sustainable agriculture advocacy.

Emphasizing no-till practices to preserve soil structure, reduce erosion, and promote stability in soil ecosystems

Emphasizing organic matter return to soil enhances soil health with plant residues and organic fertilizers.

Rotating different crops helps prevent pests and diseases, while avoiding soil depletion from monoculture.

Prioritizing water conservation with efficient irrigation methods to reduce waste and protect water quality.

育苗 ✕ 自我體驗 |
Seedling propagation ✕ DIY

保水性佳:泥炭土有著良好的保水、保肥能力,格外適合較熱的栽種環境或水分需求較多的植物。Great water retention: Peat soil is ideal for hot climates or water-demanding plants.

透氣佳:泥炭土除了保水保肥,也有著良好的透氣性,可以降低根部缺氧壞死的風險。Good aeration: Peat soil prevents root suffocation and decay.

無病蟲害:由於泥炭土的形成環境較特殊,因此不用擔心土壤內會有病菌或害蟲卵。Pest and disease-free: Peat soil naturally prevents soil-borne pathogens and pests.

有機質含量高:由於泥炭土是大量植物死亡後累積形成的產物,擁有豐富的腐植酸、纖維素等有機質,能夠為植物提供更多的養分。High organic content: Peat soil, formed from decaying plants, provides rich nutrients for plants.

體驗組影片教學 | Experience Group Videos