Seed preservation

Shigemitsu Natural Farming Method advocated by Shokichi Okada.

岡田先生的農法理念深深扎根於尊重自然、 順應自然的原則。這種農法的基本特徵包括對土 農家對作物的愛心培育,以及對大地的感謝之情、土壤的淸淨重視,自家採種以確保農作物的純正性。同時,這種農法強調自家採種的重要性,透過 種子的純正性和生命力。這樣的 保存和選擇性繁殖具有優良特性的作物種子,確保 做法也有助於保護 植物的基因多樣性,使作物更能夠適應不同的環境 和氣候變化。
Okada's farming method respects and aligns with nature, emphasizing love for crops, gratitude for the land, and purity through home seed selection. This preserves genetic diversity and enhances crop adaptability.

臺灣農人 ✕ 淡水幸福農莊

Taiwanese farmers ✕ Danshui Happiness Farm

Huiwen teacher and spouse, 20+ years in Shigemitsu farming, stress the significance of seed preservation:

The replacement of homegrown seeds by commercial ones threatens agricultural sustainability.

Homegrown seeds ensure sustainability, adaptability, diversity, and uniqueness.

Homegrown seeds ensure food security and market competitiveness.

Commercial influence leads to monoculture, while homegrown seeds boost competitiveness and sustainability.

留種 ✕ 體驗 |
Seed Preservation  ✕ DIY

培育口感佳、生長週期正常的紅蘿蔔。豐潤肥美,清甜爽脆,呈現多樣特色。Growing carrots with great taste, normal growth, rich, sweet, and crunchy.

不施藥不施肥,培育出高大、果實長達25公分的秋葵,口感更佳,無刺絨毛。Organically grown okra, reaching up to 25 cm in length, with improved taste, and smooth texture, free from thorns.

四季豆自然生長,以竹子所搭建的豆架,讓四季豆能夠攀爬生長。Pole beans grown naturally, climbing on bamboo trellises for support.

金芝麻為日本品種,因香氣濃郁、油脂豐富,被帶回台灣進行培育。Golden sesame, a Japanese variety known for its rich aroma and high oil content, was brought to Taiwan for cultivation.

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